CLU Designation Renewal

The CLU designation must be renewed annually with The Institute. Ongoing maintenance requirements include payment of an annual designation licensing fee, completion of an annual continuing education (CE) requirement, and adherence to the Code of Professional Conduct. CLU designation holders who fail to renew their CLU designation or fail to meet ongoing requirements on an annual basis will lose their rights to publicly promote themselves as having the CLU and will have the designation revoked.

The renewal term for the CLU designation ends December 31 of each renewal cycle. CLU designation holders failing to renew their CLU by January 31 of the renewing year will lose their rights to publicly promote themselves as having the CLU and will have their designation revoked.

*Please note: If you obtained your CLU designation in 2024, you are not required to start earning continuing education credits until 2025. Institute designation holders are exempt from CE requirements in the calendar year in which they obtained their designation.

CLU Designation Reinstatement Policy

Designation holders who fail to renew their CLU designation by January 31 of the licensing year will have forfeited their rights to continue to use the designation mark and will be considered a lapsed designation holder, or not in good standing. For lapsed designation holders applying for reinstatement, continuing education must be completed during the period of a lapsed designation and proof of completed CE must be provided before reinstatement can occur.

Those designation holders who wish to be authorized in order to hold themselves out as an Institute designation-holder will have the opportunity to reinstate their designation with The Institute.

For all CLU designation holders who apply for reinstatement and who have been absent for three years or less:

  1. Proof of the required continuing education credits taken during that period must be submitted with the application for reinstatement.
  2. Those applying for reinstatement will be required to pay the appropriate administration fees.

For all who apply for reinstatement and who have been absent for more than three years:

  1. Proof of the required continuing education for the three years prior to the application for reinstatement must be submitted.
  2. Those applying for reinstatement will be required to challenge the Advanced Estate Planning course exam including appropriate exam(s) and administration fees.

Where a designation holder has been terminated or suspended as a result of disciplinary action, the individual’s designation and authorization to hold themselves out as having an Institute designation will be reinstated at the discretion of the Board of Trustees once the term of the suspension or termination has passed.